Grays Harbor Tourism grant applications are now being accepted from qualifying entities organizing tourism-based activities, tourism promotion, and hospitality projects aimed at increasing and/or supporting the tourism industry within Grays Harbor County. Grant funding is provided to increase and/or support tourism activity within Grays Harbor County.

The grant categories and their deadlines are as follows:
– Festival and Event Grants (deadline Oct. 31, 2024)
– Tourism Hospitality and Special Projects Grants (deadline Oct. 31, 2024)
– Major Tourism Projects (deadline Oct. 31, 2024)
– Destination Marketing Partnership Grants (deadline Oct. 31, 2024)


2025 Tourism Grant Program Information 2025


The intent of the Grays Harbor Tourism Grant program is to provide funding assistance to qualifying entities who are engaged in tourism-related events and activities; the operation of tourism-generating facilities; projects that support, accommodate or enhance visitor experiences; and the promotion of tourism-generating assets within the Grays Harbor County Tourism lodging tax collection area.

Under State law (RCW 67.28) Grays Harbor County receives funds from taxes imposed on commercial lodging stays. These funds can be retained, utilized directly by the County for tourism-related marketing, promotions, and operations, or, under certain guidelines, be allocated to projects and activities established by an eligible entity.  Tourism promotion is defined in the RCW as “…activities and expenditures designed to increase tourism, including but not limited to advertising, publicizing, or otherwise distributing information for the purpose of attracting and welcoming tourists; developing strategies to expand tourism; operating tourism promotion agencies; operating tourism-related facilities; and funding marketing of special events and festivals designed to attract tourists”. All revenue from taxes imposed under this RCW are credited to a special fund in the treasury of the municipality imposing such tax. In combination with other marketing operations of the Grays Harbor County Tourism Department, revenues from the 3% portion of Lodging Taxes are allocated by the Board of County Commissioners on an annual basis to this grant program. Through an application and review process, funding recommendations are made by the County Lodging Tax Advisory Committee within four grant categories. Once confirmed by the Board of Commissioners, awarded funds are distributed to grant recipients on a reimbursement basis. 

The Grays Harbor County Tourism Grant Program is divided into four categories. Each category is focused on providing funding support for distinct project types that all support the continued growth of the County’s tourism industry. Those categories are as follows:

  1. Festival and Event Grants – Provides funding for eligible expenses of Festivals and Events, consisting of four days or less of activity within the calendar year, that create overnight stays or draw visitors from a distance of 50 miles or greater.
  2. Tourism Hospitality and Special Project Grants – Provides funding for eligible expenses of tourism related hospitality projects that attract, accommodate, support, or enhance visitor experiences, such as signage, infrastructure, and public health & safety improvements.
  3. Major Tourism Project Grants – Provides funding for eligible expenses of Festivals, Events and other tourism generating projects, consisting of five days or more of activity within the calendar year, that create overnight stays or draw visitors from a distance of 50 miles or greater.
  4. Destination Marketing Grants – Provides funding for eligible expenses related to marketing projects that promote Grays Harbor County as a tourism destination and are complimentary to the County’s current tourism advertising campaigns.

Available funding in each grant category is dependent on annual allocation decisions of the Board of County Commissioners. The funding request for 2025 is as follows:

  1. Festival and Event Grants — $100,000 (Maximum ask is $7,500)
  2. Tourism Hospitality and Special Project Grants  — $100,000 (Maximum ask is $20,000)
  3. Major Tourism Project Grants — $200,000 (Maximum ask is $200,000)
  4. Destination Marketing Grants — $200,000 (Maximum ask is $200,000)

Maximum grant awards differ within each category. Based on the funding request for 2025, they are as follows: 

  1. Festival and Event Grants – Up to $7,500
  2. Tourism Hospitality and Special Project Grants – Up to $20,000
  3. Major Tourism Project Grants – Up to the full available allocation of $200,000
  4. Destination Marketing Grants – Up to the full available allocation of $200,000

Applicant qualifying criteria differ between the four grant categories. Qualifying applicants for each are as follows.

  1. Festival and Event Grants – Tax Exempt/Non-Profit Entities; 501(c)3 and (c)6 organizations; City, County, or other government agencies (excluding those who collect their own 3% Lodging Taxes); Tourism related facilities and operations of Grays Harbor County.
  2. Tourism Hospitality and Special Project Grants – Tax Exempt/Non-Profit Entities; 501(c)3 and (c)6 organizations; City, County, or other government agencies (excluding those who collect their own 3% Lodging Taxes); Tourism-related facilities and operations of Grays Harbor County.
  3. Major Tourism Project Grants – Tax Exempt/Non-Profit Entities; 501(c)3 and (c)6 organizations; City, County, or other government agencies (excluding those who collect their own 3% Lodging Taxes); Tourism related facilities and operations of Grays Harbor County.
  4. Destination Marketing Grants – Entities and businesses with a qualifying and current Tax ID Number; City, County, or other government agencies (excluding those who collect their own 3% Lodging Taxes).

Eligible expenses vary slightly, within each grant program. They are as follows:

  1. Festival and Event Grants – Multi-Media (print, digital, TV, radio, etc.); Design & printing of posters, flyers, and brochures; Online advertising; Elements specific to the event viewed as attractants (such as educational speakers, entertainment, etc.); Permanent signage; Salaries, wages and benefits directly tied to the project or services specified within the grant request, only as allowed by applicable statutes and RCWs governing the use of Lodging Tax funds
  2. Tourism Hospitality and Special Project Grants – Multi-Media (print, digital, TV, radio, etc.), Design and printing of posters, flyers, brochures; Online Advertising; Elements Specific to Tourism Hospitality services or projects used to attract, accommodate or support potential tourists; Qualifying projects necessary to accommodate the public health and safety needs of potential tourists; Permanent signage related to tourist attractions; Salaries, wages, and benefits directly tied to the project or services, only as allowed by statutes and RCWs governing the use of Lodging Tax Funds
  3. Major Tourism Project Grants – Multi-Media (print, digital, TV, radio, etc.); Design & print of posters, flyers, brochures, etc.; Online advertising; Elements specific to events/activities aimed at attracting potential tourists (entertainers, educational speakers, etc.); Elements specific to an event that support infrastructure, or operation of the activity, and accommodate the public health & safety needs of tourists; Permanent signage directly related to the tourist-attracting event/activity; Salaries, wages, and benefits directly tied to the project or services, only as allowed by statutes and RCWs governing the use of Lodging Tax Funds
  4. Destination Marketing Grants – Qualifying costs of any marketing project or venture that either promotes the tourism assets in Grays Harbor County to potential visitors residing outside a distance of 50 miles, produces overnight stays, and/or creates tourism-related commerce. Salaries, wages, and benefits directly tied to the project or services may only be funded as allowed by statutes and RCWs governing the use of Lodging Tax Funds.

Yes. By both the RCWs governing the use of Lodging Tax funds, and criteria established by the Grays Harbor County Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, there are certain expenses that are not eligible for funding under this grant program. They are: General administrative costs such as salaries, wages & benefits (not directly related to the event/project); Capital and general organizational operating costs not directly related to the event/project; Items for resale; Advertising that cannot be proven to reach significant and relevant markets outside of 50 miles from the festival/event/project location. 

Grant applications are available on the Grays Harbor County Tourism website. Please go to to find applications for all four grant categories in both printable and fillable format. Additional information, including this Q & A document, a grant program information matrix, as well as a list of projects funded in 2024 can be found. If you would like an application emailed to you, or sent by standard mail, please contact the Grays Harbor County Tourism office to make such a request.

The application for each grant category includes a “Notice of Funding Availability” section, as cover pages to the actual application. This section provides detailed information that is very helpful for grant applicants. This includes language that describes the types of projects that are funded under that specific application, as well as the types of projects that are not funded through that application. If you are not sure if you have the correct application for your proposed project, please contact the Grays Harbor County Tourism office, by phone or email. 

First, confirm that the application you are using is for the correct grant category for your project. If using the correct application, please do your best to apply the question to your project and take the opportunity to provide LTAC members with information that will be helpful in their decision-making process. Otherwise, please simply respond “N/A” for that question. Do not leave the question blank. If questions are left unanswered LTAC members may deem the application as incomplete.

Applications are generally available beginning October 1st of each year. The submittal period for the 2025 grant cycle is October 3 to October 31. Applications must be received at the Grays Harbor County Tourism Office, or post marked by 5:00 pm on the last day of the submittal period. Faxed or emailed applications will not be accepted. No exceptions.

Yes. Applicants will have the opportunity to present, if they would like, at the LTAC Meeting on the morning of November 14, 2024.

The LTAC will make funding recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners in late November. Board of County Commissioner confirmation of funding awards will take place near the third week of December. Notifications of funding awards will be sent out the first week of January.

No. Projects receive their funding on a reimbursement basis. Organizers of Festivals, Events, Hospitality, and Major Tourism project activities are to invoice the Grays Harbor County Tourism Department and provide back-up documentation for allowable expenses, once the project is complete. Certain Destination Marketing Grant projects are able to arrange progress payments, only as agreed upon within the grant contract. Once the Tourism office receives the invoice and required supporting documents, payment will be processed and sent to the grant recipient, withing 45 days.

Yes. As required in relation to state statutes, a full post project report detailing the tourism related benefits realized by this project must be submitted. The report questionnaire includes, but is not limited to the approximated number of overnight stays that were generated by the project; the approximated number of day travelers generated by the project; the estimated number of persons traveling to Grays Harbor from a distance of over 50 miles generated by the project; and the projected number of future, overnight stays and visitors from a distance of greater than 50 miles that were generated by the project. The report must be received by Grays Harbor Tourism, within 30 days of the completion of the project. 

If you have questions or need clarification regarding this grant program, please contact the Grays Harbor County Tourism Office by phone or email at:

Phone: (360) 482-2651

Email:; or

2025 Grant Applications

Check back in October 2025 for 2026 applications.

2025 Grant Recipients


  • GraysHarborTalk – Location Based Flyer for Tourist Wayfinding and Influence Repeat Tourists
  • GraysHarborTalk – Social Media : Search Engine : Content Marketing : Influencer Content – Focused on Mobile Users
  • Greater Grays Harbor, Inc. – Economic Development for Tourism Sector
  • Olympic Peninsula Visitors Bureau – OPTC Annual Regional Destination Marketing
  • Pacific Northwest Music Project – Printed Advertising, Reservation System & Staff Person
  • The Daily World – Road Trippin’ To Grays Harbor


  • American Lung Association – Reach the Beach Washington
  • City of Aberdeen – 2025 Splash Festival
  • Coastal Shores and Spores Mycological Society – Quinault Rainforest Mushroom Festival
  • Downtown Aberdeen Association – World Music Day 2025
  • Elma Chamber of Commerce – Heat On The Street
  • Elma Chamber of Commerce – Winter Wine Festival
  • Grays Harbor Mounted Posse – Grays Harbor Indoor Pro Rodeo
  • Grays Harbor Sports Association – Ride The Quinault
  • Harbor Art Guild – Aberdeen Rain Glow Festival
  • Hoquiam Loggers’ Playday, Inc – Hoquiam Loggers’ Playday
  • Master Gardener Foundation of Grays Harbor & Pacific Counties – 2025 Home & Garden Show
  • McCleary Growth and Bear Festival – McCleary Second Growth and Bear Festival
  • Oakville Regional Event Center – Program Activities for 2025
  • Pacific Northwest Music Project – Grungology Day (Quarterly)
  • Seabrook – Love Blooms at Seabrook
  • Seabrook – Seabrook Greenfest: Celebrate Earth, Celebrate Community
  • Summit Pacific Medical Foundation – Ride The Harbor: Tour de Wellness
  • Westport/Grayland Chamber of Commerce – 32nd Annual Cranberry Harvest Festival


  • City of Hoquiam – Historic Olympic Stadium Renovation Project
  • Coastal Interpretive Center – Cic Outdoor Access Guided Interpretation
  • International Mermaid Museum – International Mermaid Museum Festival
  • Oakville Regional Event Center – New LED Signboard at Highway 12 to Direct Patrons to OREC Facility
  • Olympic Peninsula Loop Culinary Tourism Association – Olympic Culinary Loop
  • Pacific Northwest Music Project – Advertising Sign Initiative
  • Sharon Grange #800 – Sharon Grange Upgrade and Repair of Gas Line


  • Circle Motion Promotions LLC – 2025 Racing Season at Grays Harbor Raceway
  • City of Hoquiam – Olympic Stadium Concerts and Sports Tournaments Marketing
  • International Mermaid Museum – International Mermaid Museum Festival
  • Pacific Northwest Music Project – Kurt Cobain Van Tour Experience, Tour Guide, and Dedicated Fire Code Hall
  • Port of Grays Harbor – Friends Landing Advertising in Good Sam Digital and Print Directory