Grays Harbor offers excellent fresh and saltwater fishing in all seasons. Fish in the open ocean for tuna, halibut, rockfish or salmon. Drift a lazy river for steelhead, trout or salmon. Bank fish for sturgeon or trout. Fish the surf for perch. Dig razor clams or set traps for Dungeness crab. Lake fish for bass, crappie, bluegill, or trout. Fly-fish rivers or streams for trout or salmon. There is no end to the possibilities.
Be sure to check out the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife for useful information and regional regulations.
From the foothills of the Olympic Mountains to the sandy shores of the Pacific Ocean, there are over 100 lakes, numerous large rivers, and countless streams to drop your line into. Fishermen, oil your reels, and put on new line because you’ve found your paradise!
Grab your boots and rod and come to Grays Harbor County in any season and find a plethora of world-class fishing choices. Follow our ‘Fish the Harbor’ Driving Tour for a sampling of the fishing possibilities. Always check the WDFW regulations first before you cast that line.